Experienced, Licensed, Insured.

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Divine Creatures Pet Services believe that it is a privilege, and an honor, to care for animals. We strive to give individualized treatment and attention to all creatures in our care and we do it with empathy, heart, and integrity. We strive to be the best caregivers, sitters, and walkers who believe deeply in positive reinforcement training methods. We have a wholistic approach to petcare and we stay up-to-date with current evidence-based information regarding animal behavior. By integrating Fear Free techniques, we are empowered to relieve the fear, anxiety, and stress of every animal, every stay, every interaction; regardless of whether we’re meeting for the first time or have an ongoing relationship.

We believe that all creatures are Divine Creatures and fear free pets make for happy pets!

***Feel free to check out our ABOUT PAGE for more information on us!

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“My cat comes out of hiding when she sees Blue and Drew. Doesn’t do that for anyone else! And my dog just loves them!”

– K.H.


“Blue has a calming energy about her that makes my cat feel safe.”

– N.C.